
Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Hujan Es Segede Bola Golf

Versi Bahasa :

Sebuah badai besar yang melanda di kota Perth (Australia) menyebabkan banjir yang meluas,
kerusakan harta benda dan mati lampu setelah adanya hujan batu es dan hujan lebat di kota kering.
Warga kota telah diperingatkan untuk bersiap-siap akan badai selanjutnya yang datang melalui utara kota perth.
Seorang juru bicara Biro Meteorologi mengatakan itu adalah salah satu badai terbesar di Perth selama bertahun-tahun
dengan hembusan angin lebih dari 120km/h dan 35mm hujan turun dalam waktu sekitar delapan jam sejak 9 pagi.
Western Power melaporkan badai telah memotong kekuatan untuk sekitar 150.000 pelanggan dengan sekitar 6 sore (WST)
pada hari Senin sebagai kota gelap dan petir menyala terus-menerus.

Layanan darurat menanggapi ratusan panggilan untuk bantuan dengan kabel listrik dan pepohonan turun,
atap jendela rusak dan pecah. Sekitar 20 orang dievakuasi dari ruang gawat darurat di Rumah Sakit Joondalup
setelah bagian dari langit-langit runtuh. Polisi melaporkan sebuah longsoran di tepi King's Park dekat pusat
kota telah menghancurkan dua mobil yang berada di-parkiran dan mengisi satu apartemen dengan lumpur tapi
tidak ada laporan dari orang-orang terluka.

Setidaknya tiga sekolah melaporkan bahwa mereka akan ditutup pada Selasa karena kerusakan badai kelas.
Sejumlah besar mobil di parkiran Rumah Sakit Sir Charles Gairdner yang dilaporkan rusak laporan datang
dari hujan es sebesar bola golf. Semua pasien rawat jalan di rumah sakit telah dibatalkan untuk hari
Selasa karena kerusakan air, rumah sakit mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan.

Beberapa gedung perkantoran di CBD dievakuasi untuk alasan keamanan di puncak badai. Hujan lebat sejak jam
5 sore membanjiri jalan-jalan dan 150 lampu lalu lintas yang mati membuat mengemudi berbahaya dan menyebabkan
kemacetan yang parah.

Pengendara diperingatkan untuk memperlambat dan menghidupkan lampu pada mereka, sementara boaties, perenang
dan peselancar didesak untuk keluar dari air. Kereta api dan jasa bis sangat terganggu oleh badai,
Public Transport Authority of WA ber-kata bahwa Pengendara sepeda motor di jalur bisnis utama
dari St George's Terrace menciptakan gelombang haluan saat mereka berkendara melalui jalan terendam air,
sementara pejalan kaki harus melepaskan sepatu mereka untuk menyeberang di beberapa jalan-jalan.

Polisi melaporkan banjir serius di Hay Street di pusat kota Perth dengan bagian jalan mereda,
memaksa penutupan jalur bus. Seorang juru bicara mengatakan Western Power diharapkan sejumlah
besar pelanggan akan tanpa kekuasaan dalam semalam dan yang dapat memperpanjang untuk Selasa malam
saat cuaca buruk terus-menerus upaya perbaikan terhambat. Pada puncak badai, pekerja kantor ramai
jendela untuk melihat hujan menyapu lembaran-lembaran masa lalu sebagai kilat menyala di atas dikaburkan
Swan River.

Perth mempunyai musim panas yang kering dengan sedikit atau tidak ada hujan selama berbulan-bulan.
Biro Meteorologi telah memperingatkan badai lanjutan Perth memukul dari arah utara melalui malam dan bermalam.

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English Version :

A major storm has swept across Perth causing widespread flooding, property damage and power cuts as it dumped big hailstones and substantial rain on the parched city.
The city's residents have been warned to brace for further storms coming through from the north.
A Bureau of Meteorology spokesman said it was one of the biggest storms in Perth for many years with wind gusts of more than 120km/h and 35mm of rain falling within about eight hours since 9am.
Western Power reported the storm had cut power to around 150,000 customers by about 6pm (WST) on Monday as the city darkened and lightning flashed constantly.
Emergency services responded to many hundreds of calls for assistance with power lines and trees down, roofs broken and windows smashed.
About 20 people were evacuated from the emergency room at Joondalup Hospital after part of the ceiling collapsed.
Police said a landslip at the edge of King's Park near the city centre had crushed two parked cars and filled one apartment with mud but there were no reports of people hurt.
At least three high schools reported they would be closed on Tuesday because of storm damage to classrooms.
A large number of cars in the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital carpark were reported damaged as reports came in of hailstones as big as golf balls.
All outpatient and elective surgery appointments at the hospital had been cancelled for Tuesday due to water damage, the hospital said in a statement.
Some office buildings in the CBD were evacuated for safety reasons at the height of the storm.
Driving rain by 5pm flooded streets and 150 sets of blacked-out traffic lights made driving hazardous for commuters heading home, with widespread congestion reported.
Motorists were warned to slow down and turn their headlights on, while boaties, swimmers and surfers were urged to get out of the water.
Train and bus services were severely disrupted by the storm, the Public Transport Authority of WA said.
Motorists on the main business strip of St George's Terrace created bow waves as they drove through the inundated road while pedestrians had to take off their shoes to wade across some streets.
Police reported serious flooding on Hay Street in central Perth with part of the road subsiding, forcing closure of a bus lane.
A Western Power spokeswoman said it was expected a significant number of customers would be without power overnight and that could extend to Tuesday night as ongoing bad weather hampered repair efforts.
At the height of the storm, office workers crowded to windows to watch sheets of rain sweep past as lightning flashed over the obscured Swan River.
Perth has had a dry summer with minimal or no rain for months.
The Bureau of Meteorology has warned of further storm fronts hitting Perth from the north through the evening and overnight.


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